Taekwon-Do Resources

The student manual contains rules of the Dojang (training space), a basic introduction to Taekwon-Do, a written list of most fundamental techniques that are taught in class, descriptions of the rank system, historical significance of the patterns, some of the testing requirements and step-by-step descriptions of all color belt patterns. It should be used as a reference and assist with training at home. Also below is a description of the stances, as well as links to the full 15 volume encyclopedia:

Student Manual
Stances #1
Stances #2
Jumping Techniques

Encyclopedia Section 1 - Intro
Vol 1 (Intro, Theory)
Vol 2 (Intro, Theory Cont'd)

Encyclopedia Section 2 - Fundamentals
Vol 3 (Hand Techniques)
Vol 4 (Foot Techniques)
Vol 5 (Self Defense)
Vol 6 (More Fundamentals)
Vol 7 (More Fundamentals, Cont'd)

Encyclopedia Section 3 - Color Belt Patterns
Vol 8 (Chon-Ji to Do-San)
Vol 9 (Won-Hyo to Joong-Gun)
Vol 10 (Toi-Gye to Choong-Moo)

Encyclopedia Section 4 - Black Belt Patterns
Vol 11 (Kwang-Gae to Ge-Baek)
Vol 12 (Eui-Am to Juche)
Vol 13 (Sam-Il to Choi-Yong)
Vol 14 (Yong-Gae to Moon-Moo)
Vol 15 (So-San to Tong-Il)

All ITF Taekwon-Do Patterns (Work in Progress)

Karate Resources

WKF Rules